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Checking your Puppy’s Health

by All About Pets

With all the excitement of your new puppy coming home, there’s lots to think about. Remember that regular vet check-ups are vital. You can discuss things like vaccinations, de-worming, address any worries you have and ask about any aspects of puppy health you’re not sure about. Vaccinations also play an important role in the first stages of your puppy’s life.

If you notice any of the symptoms below, take your puppy to the vet right away instead of waiting for the next check-up.

Even between visits, keeping an eye on your puppy’s health can do the world of good.

In between visits to the vet, a quick check of your puppy’s appearance and overall mood is easy to do, and it’s a great way to monitor overall dog health. Here are some things to look out for:


  • Healthy - Generally a healthy puppy’s nose is cool, clean, slightly moist, and free of discharge.
  • Consult your vet - If there are any scabs or rashes or if their nose is running with mucus or other discharges.


  • Healthy - Your puppy’s healthy eyes should be clear and bright. They shouldn’t look irritated, and your puppy won’t try to rub them with their paws or on the carpet.
  • Consult your vet - If your puppy’s eyes are red, tear stained, or have discharge, consult your vet.


  • Healthy - A puppy’s ears should be pink and clean, and free from any discharge and odour.
  • Consult your vet - If your puppy’s ears have dark wax resembling dried coffee grounds in the ear canals, if their ear canals are hot or inflamed, have pus or odour, or if they try scratching their ears or shakes their head regularly. You can check your puppy’s ears weekly as part of your puppy health care routine.

Skin / Coat

  • Healthy - Healthy puppy skin is free from lumps, fleas, flea dirt and ticks. It should be pink and clean, and their fur should be thick, shiny and silky (depending on their breed). His skin is a good overall indicator of their health, so make checking it part of your puppy care routine.
  • Consult your vet - Redness of the skin, bald patches, greasy coat, lumps, fleas, flea dirt or ticks, or Itchiness.


  • Healthy - In general, when you’re checking your puppy’s mouth you should notice pink gums, fresh breath, and white teeth.
  • Consult your vet - Your puppy’s mouth shows signs of redness or swelling at the margins of their teeth, inflamed gums, breath odour or dirty teeth. Regular dental care and a healthy, balanced diet can help maintain their dental health

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